Historiography, De-familiarization and Discourse Analysis of Personal Photos in the Contemporary Period

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member, Payame Noor University

2 MSc in Political science



Introduction: Since the arrival of the photography industry in Iran, this technique has become one of the most important platforms for conveying meaning to the audience. The widespread use of photos in administrative affairs in society and people's interest in recording personal moments has led to the expansion of personal photography over the course of 180 years. Every picture is a text and you can use text criticism techniques for it and examine it Inter-textually with other texts. The photo is not neutral and has meaning. By analyzing the discourse, it is possible to read and reveal the obvious and hidden meanings of the photo, as well as the ideology hidden in it, and the reproduction of the discourse in the photo, especially social and family photos. The hermeneutics of text criticism can also be used in the interpretation of the photo. In this research, the analytical aspects of personal photos and personal memorabilia in recent decades have been discussed from the perspective of history, de-familiarization and discourse analysis
Research Objective: The problem of the research is to investigate how the hidden historical elements, discourse and ideology are revealed in the photographs, and used de-familiarization and analysis of the discourse for photo analysis. An attempt has been made to investigate how personal and family photos can be a platform for analyzing the history and time of photos and how to look beyond seeing a personal photo and compare it in historical and literary inter-textually and discourse analysis, historical elements. He recovered that period and revealed the hidden discourse and ideas in the photo, and then analyzed the content and discourse according to the historical context and documents.
Research Methodology: In this research, a number of personnel and personal photos in the contemporary period were examined with the method of qualitative and documentary research after using de-familiarization and Fairclough's discourse analysis method.
Results: The results of the research showed that elements of people's photos that were mentioned about personal photos (clothing, make-up, etc.) can also be used to extract the history of memorial and family photos. De-familiarization methods in photographic images (especially advertising and industrial photography) include the following: a) Shifting b) Reversal c) exaggeration and highlighting d) Composition e) Using visual Figures such as allusion, paradox, metaphor, and symbol. With the following assumptions, one should analyze the discourse of the photo and look at the photo and the photographer: 1- The attitude of the audience and the viewer of the photo depends on his life in the world. 2- The dimensions of photo analysis are layered 3- The whole picture should be seen as a meaningful whole, which meaning is transferred to the picture either from inside the picture or outside it or both. 4- Sources of power (cultural, social, political, etc.) arising from the subjects of the photo or the context of the photo, or the environment of the photo can be traced in the images. 5-No photo is neutral. 6- Worldview, ideology and photographer's work (photographer's signature) can be recognized in most cases in the photo openly or secretly. Today, the majority of people in society are busy taking photos of themselves; others, and the surrounding environment with their smartphone cameras, or watching the photographed images, but these photos can be used to understand the time and its discourses. Each photo carries its meaning to the present and the future and reflects a discourse. De-familiarization of the photograph of Nader Shah's tomb in this research with the method of suspending familiar concepts made the concepts hidden in the photograph such as the rise and fall of Farah Izadi to be investigated and revealed. by analyzing the formal elements of the photo subjects, it is possible to analyze the historical period of the photo and analyze the physical elements around the subject to the environmental changes during the period and analyze the discourse of the form and content of personal and family photos to the ideology and hidden discourse in the context and Photo time achieved. In fact, every photo is a historical text that can be read and reviewed by going to its hidden layers. Norman Fairclough uses three levels in discourse analysis: description, interpretation, and explanation. The level of interpretation includes the processes that cause the production and consumption of images. In this section, interpretive hermeneutics can also be used. However, the level of explanation is the discourse meaning and the social context that creates the image and reproduces it. In the photo analyzed in this research to analyze the discourse (Soldier and his brother) at the level of interpretation of the concepts of inter-textually and hermeneutics, it can be seen that it marks the beginning of the modern period in Iran's administrative history, but intergenerational support and love has also continued. At the explanatory level, the photo of the soldier and his brother reveals the discourse of compulsory service and its reproduction.


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 05 December 2024
  • Revise Date: 09 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 17 December 2024
  • Publish Date: 17 December 2024