General Writing Guide
1- The article's grammar and orthography should adhere to the most recent style standard published by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature. Academy of Persian Language and Literature style sheet file can be downloaded from this website.
2- There should be no typing or spelling errors in the text.
3- The punctuation of the text must be observed correctly.
Article Editing Guide
1- Title, Abstract, Keywords (in Persian and English separately), Introduction, Research Methods, Research Background, Theoretical Foundation, Body of Research (discussion, analysis, and findings), Conclusion, Endnotes, Sources, and References should all be included in the article.
2- Abstract includes Problem statement, Objectives, Main Research Questions, Research Method, Information Gathering Methods, and Results, which should be at least 250 and 300 words. Keywords should be between five and seven words.
3- In the Introduction, a more detailed description of the research question, goals, questions, importance, and necessity of the research should be provided.
4- Research Method, Research Background and Theoretical Foundation should be compiled separately and under the Introduction.
5- The writing should be logical and reasoned, clarifying the discussion and answering the research questions.
6- For articles, an English extended abstract is required. Download the English extended abstract editing method file from this website. Authors must additionally submit a separate Persian extended abstract.
7- The article in Word software should be in BMitra 12 font, single line spacing, and Keywords and English abstract should be in Times New Roman 11 font and single line spacing.
8- Maximum and minimum word counts for the entire article (including all sections and words in tables) should be 8000 and 5000, respectively.
9- All images should have a resolution of 300 dpi and be in jpg format, with a number, an explanation, and a reference. They should be supplied separately from the article content. The maximum number of images should be 10.
10- All tables and graphs must be serially numbered, including their specifications and sources. The table specs should be stated above, while the graph specifications should be presented below.
11- Latin equivalents of foreign names, terms, and explanations should be added to the text; abbreviations should be inserted at the end of the article as an Endnote. The explanations should not be in the form of footnotes.
12- Chapters and sections should be numbered from right to left.
13- Tables must be typed. Do not insert tables as pictures.
14- The text describing the figures should not be in the form of an image and must be written in it.
Citation Style Setting References
1- The reference list's citation and bibliographic information should be formatted using the APA method. Download the APA method file from this website.
2- Persian quotation marks should be used for direct quotations. Quotations longer than forty words should be put separately from the text and indented (by half a centimeter) from the right side using font 11.
3- The list of references should be in alphabetical order at the end of the article. After the English extended abstract, the English translation of the reference list should be placed.
4- The URL and date of the visit should be provided in a day, month, and year in the online sources.
English Extended Abstract Style Guide
1- Extended abstract is different from an abstract. It is permissible to include references to other authors' works and bring up facts found in the original article in the extended abstract but not in the abstract.
2- In the extended abstract, these parts should be mentioned: abstract, theoretical background, objectives and research questions, hypotheses, data collection, analysis and discussion, and list of sources.
3- In an extended abstract, the number of words should not exceed 1000. There should be references to no more than 6 to 8 sources.
4- Focus on the Introduction, examples, and Results, if needed.
5- Use the image if necessary.
6- Each section's title in the extended abstract should be bold.
7- Any source mentioned in the extended abstract must be listed in the reference list at the end of the abstract with its bibliographic details.
Any article that does not comply with the above will be removed from the agenda.