Analysis of the communication process of smart contemporary art museums with the audience "Emphasizing Augmented Reality"

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D Candidate of Research of Arts, Faculty of Art, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran



Introduction: Today, museums are assessed through plans, visitor loyalty, diversity, public attractiveness, and quality. Different dimensions of aesthetics, remembrance, and idiosyncratic in-visit experiences are imperative in the communication process with visitors. In light of recent technological developments, technological features are also discussed for museums as competitive advantages satisfying their objectives and ideals.
Research purpose and question: The present research analyzed the communication of smart contemporary art museums with addressees based on Jacobson’s communication theory and explained approaches to promoting communication and attaining more desirable efficiency. The question raised in this research was, what policies can be made to develop and exalt every sextet function of Jacobson’s communication theory and meet the needs of contemporary art museums?
Method: The present research was a library study, given the collection of theoretical sources and empirical background, followed by a note-taking approach. The data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis according to Roman Jacobson’s communication theory.     
Conclusion: This study examined the communication of contemporary art museums with audiences and applied Jacobson’s communication theory for its purpose. To promote and improve communication and achieve more desirable communication efficiency, the researcher suggests taking the following factors into consideration:
1. Expressive function: Investing in new technologies and electronic devices, promoting infrastructural strategies and procedures, training employees, and developing effective strategies evaluating the implementation of new technologies, along with exhibitions, programs, and experiences, to attain the museum’s goals and values.
2. Conative function: Attempting to make visitors closer to displays, considering them as active elements in the museum by employing Augmented Reality (AR) technology, and creating interactive properties project implementation and technology convergence in different virtual audio and visual contributions.
3. Referential function: Heeding social, cultural, and technological aspects as indispensable identity characteristics in the environment and designing AR-based programs. Notably, minuteness in this issue makes the presented software transfer the tangible and intangible assets of the region, country, and given contemporary art museum.
4. Poetic (Aesthetic) function: Attending to recreational aspects and visual attractiveness, e.g., robust graphical media content, animation, and video, and strengthening visitors’ feelings of presence in designing and running the AR software of the museum.
5. Metalingual function: Enriching visitors’ experiences by providing high-quality audio and visuals in AR environments and replacing lost senses for special communities, such as the deaf and blind, in designing and implementing the software.
6. Phatic function: Moving toward digital transformations and satisfying basic needs, e.g., the country’s internet and lack of respective software and expert human force, and engaging in operational research in different technology domains, like AR. Considering the factors above, smartization with maximum efficiency makes the communication of contemporary art museums with addressees more effective and influential through visitor stimulation and the provision of useful and effective experiences.    


Main Subjects

  • Receive Date: 12 November 2024
  • Revise Date: 24 November 2024
  • Accept Date: 08 December 2024
  • Publish Date: 08 December 2024